i. Borrowers are normally required to return library materials through the normal process and
procedures during opening hours.
ii. The following materials may not be borrowed except under special conditions as the University
College Librarian may determine:
a. Reference books
b. Journals and periodicals
c. Archival Materials
d. Audiovisual materials
e. Any other materials as the University College Librarian may determine from time to time
iii. The maximum number of books that may be borrowed in as follows:
a. Undergraduate Students: Up to four (4) books for two weeks
b. Postgraduate Students: Who are not members of the academic staff may borrow up to four
(4) books for 4 weeks
c. Academic and Senior Administrative Staff: Up to four (4) books for one semester of 16
weeks on request
d. Other members: Up to two (2) books for two weeks
iv. No library materials may leave the library unless it has been properly borrowed and issued.
v. Any member of the library staff may inspect any person leaving the library to establish that the
library materials in his/her possession have been properly borrowed.
vi. Borrowers are responsible for protecting any library materials in their possession against
damage. Such damage or loss shall be reported to the University College Librarian.
vii. Borrowers shall not be allowed to borrow damaged or mutilated books.
viii. Borrowing shall be done using the library management system only. No borrowing that shall be
done when the computer/ system is not functioning.
ix. Materials borrowed overnight from the Short Loan collection shall be returned by 09.00 am the
following day.
x. Borrowed materials including those on Short Loan Collection shall be returned one hour before
closing time.
xi. All books and other library materials on loan are subject to recall anytime by the University College
xii. All books borrowed from the library may be renewed for a further period provided that such
books have not been requested by another reader.
xiii. Books may be reserved upon reader’s request.
xiv. Books and other materials on high demand by readers shall be placed in the short loan collection
for borrowing.
xv. Borrowing of materials from the library must be made in person.
xvi. A short term loan shall be either two hours during library working hours or overnight. A
borrower may take only one item at a time.
xvii. Books and library materials borrowed during vacation will normally be subject to regular borrowing regulations.
xviii. Books and other materials borrowed from the library will be regarded overdue 24 hours after due
xix. Two notices shall be sent to the borrower for overdue materials. The first notice shall be sent
seven (7) days after the end of the loan period. The second and final overdue notice shall be sent
fourteen (14) days later. E-mails, telephone calls and any other means of communication shall be
used to notify the user of the overdue materials.
xx. If a library book is still overdue 14 days after the last notice, the University College Librarian shall
institute procedures for:
a) Payment of overdue fines
b) Replacement of the book (s)
c) The borrower shall meet the cost and related extra charges
xxi. Borrowers still in default of rule xx above shall be subject to further action as follows:
a) Students
Their names shall be forwarded to the Dean of Students and respective Dean of School for
b) Staff
The University College Librarian shall recommend to College Academic Board for recovery of
the cost from their salaries.
xxii. Fines and other penalties shall be levied to make good lost books and other library materials
returned late.
xxiii. A daily fine of Kshs.5.00 per day for long-loan books or kshs.3.00 per hour for short-loan books
shall be levied until the book is returned or declared lost.
xxiv. The borrower will be held responsible for repairing or replacing mutilated and defaced books and
other library materials under their use.
xxv. Materials borrowed by Alupe University College from other libraries shall be subject to the
conditions imposed by the original lending library and by these regulations.
Alupe University college library Introductory video
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