Library Profile and Services
The Alupe University library has a sitting capacity of 300. The library facilities include:
- A total stock of approximately 8,000 volumes, inclusive of books, periodicals, and other non-print materials. The stock is divided into general lending materials and specialized research collections. Books in the library system are classified by the Library of Congress Classification Scheme.
- The library has subscribed to over 40 electronic information resources provided through Kenya Library and Information Science Consortium (KLISC), Similarity checking software, Open Access resources.
- The sections of the library include circulation and reference desks, postgraduate sections, information commons/discussion rooms, information literacy rooms, and technical sections.
- The library is fully automated and also Wi-Fi enabled and fitted with electrical/internet fittings accessories for use both at night and day.
AUC Library Services
- Circulation: i.e issuing of books, returning, renewals & Reservations
- Online Public Access Catalogue
- E-Resources: i.e E-journals, E-books, Newspapers, Exam past papers, off-campus access to electronic resources
- Reprographic services
- Current Awareness Services: i.e Display of books and updates on new information resources.
- Institutional Repository.
About the Library
Library Catalogue
Online Public Access Catalogue (OPAC) – The library uses KOHA, an Integrated Library Management System – There are computers designated for students to access the OPAC.
- Undergraduates can borrow 6 books for 2 weeks.
- Postgraduates and staff, 10 books for 4 weeks.
- Books in great demand are placed on short loan collection where they are borrowed for 3 hours only.
- The short loan lending services are offered at the Circulation Deskand the Education Subject Counter.
Reference and Biographical Services
- Literature searches
- Use of electronic and other databases
- Selective dissemination of information
- Current awareness
- Online and off-line database searches
- Photocopying
- Book exhibition
An Information Desk is provided for quick queries.
Reading Facilities
Available in most areas of the Library, including a few study carrels for staff and postgraduates.